One For One Initiative

Little people fighting Type 1 diabetes have stolen our hearts. Our mission is to give one  PumpPocket away for every adult's we sell. With every qualifying adult PumpPocket we sell, we will give one away to a child. Click here to view our top selling PumpPocket--everytime we sell one of these we stock another PumpPocket for donation to a child. We will flood camps and foundations with the gift of freedom-- freedom to hang upside-down on the monkey bars, stumble out of bed at night, and run around to their heart's content without concern for their pump or its tubing.

We aren’t curing this slave-master of a disease. But we are joining the fight. We are extending relief. We are taking some worry out of the equation, however little, so people can think about care rather than pumps. The funny thing is, the more PumpPockets we give away, the more we gain. Pocket Innerwear is a cool thing to be a part of, but the T1D community is the real reason we push on.

If you want to help give One for One to children with diabetes or if you know of an organization who would like to receive PumpPockets through One for One initiative, please email us at  #oneforone #pocketswithpurpose